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Huzhou Fpt Pet Products Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 宠物床/狗咀嚼玩具/宠物项圈/宠物慢食物碗/宠物美容手套
排名第4 隧道类快速响应时间 Total floorspace (5,800㎡)Competitive OEM factoryOEM for well-known brandsODM services available
Our advantages
why choose us?
★ Professional production line We have many years of production and management experience, to provide you with more professional products and services. ★ Perfect Quality Control We have our own professional testing equipment,Strict quality control system,provide high-quality products and services for you. ★ Design Team Professional designer team that specializing in creating new item.And we can provide oem & odm custom services. ★ Pack & Transport We have our own professional testing equipment,Strict quality control system,provide high-quality products and services for you.